Sunday 9 September 2007

This Blog has Altered My Ontology

I did it ... I've acquired my own bit of cyberspace!

I feel like I've had one of those boundary-crossing moments. The last time I felt like this was when I got married two years ago. I somehow felt that the minute the registrar signed the document my 'being' was altered, I was no longer the Phil Sumpter I had been a split second before hand. This feeling of 'being married' was actually quite annoying as the church wedding was the next day and I had wanted to let that be the 'proper' wedding. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, my ontology had already acquired its new structure as my 'wife' glided down the aisle.

And so it is today. I have some how 'grown up', become 'technologically literate'. What that means remains to be seen. But somehow I don't think my world will ever be the same again.


  1. Good for you, Phil! I'll try and keep up with your OT ramblings - I'm a little bit rusty when it comes to these sorts of discussions...

  2. Hi Phil,

    I'll add ya to the blogroll forthwith. Welcome to the web.

  3. Charles, that's great to hear. Don't worry about being rusty, all comments are welcome as long as they're honest. I think the simplest questions from non-experts are the most challenging to answer. Though I know you've got plenty of your own to say ;)

    Jim, I'm honored! How did you discover me? Do you get tagged when someone adds you to their blogroll? Thanks for the welcome!

  4. Does Ingrid know that you compare your Blog-feeling with your wedding...would not sound very romantic.

  5. JL ... is that John Lambert? Where have you been?

    Actually she finds it cute that I was so aware of the transformation back then.

  6. Or is that Jörg Lauterbach? Aaagh ... who are you?

  7. Croeso Phil, bet you haven't heard that word in a while. :P

    Hmmm... it appears that I might have to become profficient in German in order to fully understand all the comments on your blog.

  8. JL - with whom have you talked today about blogging...who was the smart, good looking man...

  9. Jabba - I'm guessin' from the Welsh that this is JT? Don't worry about the German. The stuff I don't translate is just chat-material between friends.

    JL - aaaah, the guy who wanted to steigern a Schwanz.

  10. The Freudsche Versprecher came from you....

  11. Do you get tagged when someone adds you to their blogroll?

    Why yes, you do. :-)

    I was very pleasantly surprised to find your brand-new blog through your having linked me (thank you!), and I'm very much looking forward to reading this blog--I'm already hooked with your programmatic statements!

    (Incidentally, I've got that quote from Barth written in an index card which I keep inside my copy of the Römerbrief, to which I turn whenever I'm feeling weighed down by "critical works." Occasionally I use that card as a bookmark as I plow through some particularly wearisome work: right now, for instance, it's stuck about halfway through Lüdemann's study of Pauline chronology. Augh.)


  12. Stefan - wow, I must have tagged a lot of people! I wonder why the same doesn't happen to me when I get added?

    Incidently, I tried to leave a comment on your blog yesterday, but it didn't work. I've figured out why so I I'll have another go now ...

  13. In order to see who's linking to your blog, just create a Technorati account and follow the steps to "claim" your blog there. Once you've done that, you'll be able to see "reactions" (ie, links) to your blog in your account page. Besides Technorati, I also use SiteMeter, which gives you statistics and locations for visitors, and also the search terms that someone's used in a search engine to find your blog. That helps me track which posts if are more popular, it suggests possible topics of interest, etc.

    I do hope that all this techo-information is not too overwhelming! ;-)

    (Oh, and I've replied to your comment over on my blog!)

  14. Technorati is amazing! I hadn't realised, for example, that the esteemed Mr Hobbins had posted a post on me (yes, I too would like to be like him when I grow up, which, I am told should have happened eight years ago).

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
