Thursday 4 October 2007


I have a number of choices: either post extensively everyday, write extensive responses, and thus never get any of my real work done (i.e. doctorate), or post sporadically, and thus lose the regularity that I feel people may need when deciding when to check out my blog (and thus lose the thread of posts which are often interconnected). I've decided to take the 3rd way, which is to posts extensive posts followed by extensive answers as much as I can. The 'in between periods', where writing responses takes up more time then I should allow myself, will be filled with smaller posts such as an interesting quote or video link or whatever catches my fancy. Sounds fair enough I think ...

So, here's my random link for the day. Ever seen a Kabbalistic cartoon? Over on you can educate yourself with ease concerning the deep mysteries of the universe. Check out episode one on Filling the Hole.


  1. thanks for reminding me of the site (which i used to frequent a long time ago). it has changed a lot for the better and of course the kabbalistic cartoons are a gem. i made mention in my latest blog post.

  2. Yes, it's a great resource. They also have tonnes of audios on kabbala and Jewish spirituality. Why are there only 24 hours in the day?! I need to train myself to sleep less so I can do all the stuff I want to do!
