Tuesday 18 March 2008

I'm Being Published!

Which is great news - for me at least! It's my first publication and is an article summarizing Childs' canonical approach. It will appear in the Princeton Theological Review this Spring. Many thanks to Timothy Goering for putting me on to this, and of course to David Congdon and his editorial team for working through the mountain of stylistic errors! I've since read the SBL handbook of style (the student supplement is here) and can promise all future publishers that as of now I will stick to the rules in order to make their lives infinitely easier!


  1. Congratulations! I'll be sure to look at it when it comes out.

    Congdon has an editorial team?

  2. Well, the PTR does and they all work together. Though who knows, perhaps has his own private cache? Now that would be handy!

  3. Congratulations! I've been enjoying the posts, so will keep an eye out for the article.

    An editorial team does sound grand, are you sure this IS a theological journal, not one of those medical things ;)
