Thursday 27 March 2008

A New Scripture and Theology Blog

Daniel Driver links to an exciting new Scripture and Theology blog. The rate of posting averages at about one a week but it looks as if it should become a valuable resource to all those wanting to enter into and keep up to date with the area of theological exegesis.

Here's a little of what they have to say about themselves:

Scripture & Theology is a new e-magazine dedicated to the relationship between biblical interpretation and the articulation of church doctrine. It exists by and for teachers of the church, which is to say, theologian-exegetes and exegetical theologians whether in academics, ministry, or the laity. The editors welcome all readers, and what is more, we invite your active participation.
You can contribute you own posts if you wish, thought it will have to be checked by the editors first. Here are some of the genres they are looking for:

- Book reviews
- Journal reviews (”What’s worth reading in …”)
- Theological exegesis
- Theological meditation on scripture (for an example of this, see R.R. Reno’s meditation on Genesis 23:2 and death)
- Noticing and analyzing trends in this area
- Engagements with historical and contemporary doctors (teachers) of the church
- Announcements of conferences or calls for papers on this topic

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