Sunday 23 March 2008

Toolbar for Bibles, Bibliographies, Articles, Dictionaries, Blogs, News etc. etc.

First of all, apologies for the lack of posting lately. I'm in England with the family and have rather a lot of visiting and travelling to do. Thanks for the comments here. I will get back to you! Luckily I pre-made some posts to tide me over, so here's my small contribution for today:

Thanks to Jim West for pointing out a very useful "techno-geekish" innovation from Tyndale House. David Instone-Brewer has put together a toolbar which is great for those who spend their days looking up bits of Bible, comparing translations, reading the original, reading obscure dead languages, and searching for articles and bibliographies. Go here to read about it. Click on the top image to download it. This new gadget has certainly made my life easier!

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