Thursday 24 April 2008

An Exciting Colloquim on the Psalms!

An exciting colloquim on the Psalms is scheduled to take place in Leuven, Belgium, from August 5 - 7. Considering that it is presided over by Erich Zenger, it is not surprising that the focus is on The Composition of the Book of Psalms. This is an area that of special interest to me so if I can get accommodation sorted out I will be there. Enrolment costs 13€ for students. Lectures will be held in English, German, French, and Dutch. For a full programme go here.

I wanted to list the papers I'll definitely be visiting, but having glanced through them once again there are none that are not relevant. By far the most relevant for me will be William Brown's The metaphorical theology of the Composition of Psalms 15-24. (mmmm ... >salivate<)

Need I mention that this shift in interpretation has its roots in Childs' canonical approach, in particular his seminal essay "Psalm Titles and Midrashic Exegesis," Journal of Semitic Studies 16 (1971), 137-150? (Pdf on ATLA). Hossfeld and Zenger have mentioned their indebtedness to "anglo-saxon" approaches, though in practice their attachment to redactional intentionality holds them back from making the full "canonical jump."


  1. Sounds cool. Unfortunately I will be in Newfoundland that week. I will look forward to your reports.

  2. Too bad you can't be there. Though there is an upcoming conference in Vancouver on the Trinity and Hermeneutics. I would so love to be there.

    Though given the proportions of Canada, it would probably just as difficult for you to reach Vancouver as Belgium.

  3. I am only a ferry ride from Vancouver - when is that conference?

  4. Sorry, I meant Toronto! Its May 28-30. The details are here:
