Wednesday 21 May 2008

An Amazing Offer from Logos: Forms of Old Testament Literature

I accidently came accross a pre-pub offer from Logos this afternoon which was so mouth-wateringly tempting that I couldn't resist and took the time to negotiate with my wife the financial feasability of purchase. So, I've gone ahead and spent my 180$ (115 €) on the amazing Forms of the Old Testament commentary series. Here is a description of the aim the series:

The aim of this series, published by Wm. B. Eerdmans, is to present a form-critical analysis of every book in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) based on a standard outline and methodology. Fundamentally exegetical, the Forms of the Old Testament Literature volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question. Basic to this series is its attempt to study the history behind the form-critical discussion and to reveal the exegetical process in order to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts. Each volume includes thorough bibliographies and a glossary of the genres and formulas identified in the commentary.
Not every book is present (there are 17 volumes altogether, go here for an overview), but the list of authors along with their endorsers is really quite impressive. Names that catch my attention: Brueggemann, Childs, Sweeney, Knierim, Coats, Lohfink, Murphy, Miller ... Does anyone have any opinions on the work of Erhard Gerstenberger?


  1. His commentary on the Psalms is on my 'to buy list'even if it is just for his introduction to Cultic Poetry.

  2. Thanks for that.

    Hey, your blog looks fascinating. What helpful resources! I've been obsessing about Childs' canonical approach for the past year, but actually I should be researching on the Psalms (15 and 24 in particular). I've "rss-feeded" you.

  3. If you have not already got it I would suggest reading Interpreting the Psalms: Issues And Approaches edited by Firth and published by IVP in 2006. Some great essays in that. Futato's Theology of the Psalms should be out sometime this year I am told, so I look forward to that!

    Why Pss. 15 and 24? The latter is a particular fave of mine. :-)

  4. Thanks for the links. I've bookmarked them.

    I wasn't intially interested in the Psalms. I've always found them so alien and inaccessible. I was primarily interested in broader theological issues to do with identity, anthropology, eschatology and Zion. My doctoral supervisor (Gordon McConville) recommended that I read these two psalms. I'll be reading them "canonically," i.e. as part of the Psalter and also as part of the broader Christian Bible.

    Why do you like Ps 24 so much?

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