Sunday 8 June 2008

A Great Psalms Resource

I recently had the pleasure of discovering a new Internet resource: תהלים, a blog dedicated to the Psalms. Run by the author of an article on "The Psalms in Anglican Worship," its purpose is nothing more than "to provide directions to helpful resources on the Psalms." He has an extensive list of online articles and audio material (including two series by Waltke and Wenham) dedicated to the Psalms, which he updates regularly on his blog. Of particular interest on the right hand bar are links to online Christian commentaries (Spurgeon, Calvin, Augustine etc.) and various online Psalters.

Blogs like this are both a blessing and a danger: a danger because they are consistently interesting and thus tempt me away from my actual task of getting my doctorate done; a blessing, not only because of the useful info, but because it provides students working in an esoteric field with a living community that responds to questions, gives advice and basically gives one the feeling that theological students are not such a lone breed after all.
Here's his quote of the week, taken from H.-J. Kraus:
“If we approach the OT Psalms with the question where one should look for and find the God of Israel whom the hymns and songs of thanksgiving glorify, on whom the laments call, and whom all the songs and poems involve, the unanimous, never doubted, and ceaselessly expressed answer is: Yahweh Sebaoth is present in the sanctuary in Jerusalem. Zion is the place of God’s presence.”
Kraus, H-J. (1988) Psalms 1-59. Fortress Press p. 6

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