Thursday 24 July 2008

I'm off to Italy!

I won't be posting for the next few weeks (until August 9th) as my wife and I will be on holiday. After going to a wedding near Stuttgart (Holzgerlingen anyone?) we'll be driving over the Alps, spending a night in a secluded hamlet hanging of the edge of a cliff in Southern Switzerland (called Osco, I discovered it using the terrain function on Google Map), then driving down to lake Como where we'll stay for another three days. This will be followed by two days in Verona, a day in Venice and a 5 days (!!!!!) sitting on the beach in Lido, a tourist resort right next to Venice. The last option is my wife's idea and I do it out of the purist love and Christian self-sacrifice. Really, I can't stand sitting on beaches.

But in case people feel they can't manage that long without me, do not fret! I spent the whole of last Sunday sorting through the posts of the last year and bundling them into completed threads, which you can now access in the window under the "about me" section on the right. These threads contain information that I am more than happy to discuss in intimate depth for hours, so feel free to peruse and push me to justify my position.

The threads that I have complete so far are the following:

-The 6 Features of traditional Christian exegesis
-C. Seitz's "In Accordance with the Scriptures"
-Responses to Walter Brueggemann
-Examples of "canonical" exegesis
-B.S. Childs' "Retrospective Reading of Old Testament Prophets"
-B. Hägglund on the regula fidei

I have no idea why only the first word is highlighted, but I gotta pack and time is short.
Till August!!

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