Monday 21 July 2008

Interview with MOSAD on a Palestinian blog

I'm delighted to have discovered a fascinating blog by a Palestinian journalist and mother, Raising Yousuf and Noor: diary of a Palestinian mother. It's not always easy to find balanced opinions and reportage on this part of the world, so I'm delighted to find the blog of a professional with strong ties to the land. Her posts not only concern current developments, but details of daily life in the Gaza strip and the struggles her people face (such as her father's recent e-mail from Gaza, or another e-mail from Ramallah) Here's here self-description:

I am a Palestinian journalist who divides her time between Gaza and the United States, where Yousuf's father, a Palestinian refugee denied his right of return to Palestine, and thus OUR right as a family to live together, resides. This blog is about the trials of raising our son between Gaza and the US, while working as a journalist, and everything that entails from potty training to border crossings. Together, we endure a lot, and the personal becomes political. This is our story.
Of particular interest is an interview she held with "former MOSAD spy chief cum Labor politician Danny Yatom" for Al Jazeera. Here's an interesting section:

Would Israel assassinate Meshaal today?

The Israeli policy is that as long as there is terror, the terrorist must understand that anyone who executes terror will not enjoy immunity.

So Mossad carries out extra-judicial assassinations?
The way I will refer to it is that whoever deals with terror should not enjoy any immunity.
Without regard to international law?
With regard to what [former president] Bill Clinton said: there should be zero tolerance for terror.

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