Sunday 6 July 2008

N.T. Wright on "righteousness" and "justification"

Thanks to the blog Biblical Thoughts for linking to two dictionary entries in New Dictionary of Theology on the subject. For "righteousness" go here and for "justification" go here.


  1. David Wright, not NT Wright, is the author of both entries.


  2. Hi Phil,

    Just to clear up the confusion, seekwisdom has got his/her facts wrong.

    The New Dictionary of Theology is edited by David F. Wright, Sinclair B. Ferguson, and J.I. Packer but the articles are authored by over 200 scholars.

    N. T. Wright contributed the articles on justification and righteousness.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The only "facts" in the link show David Wright. Any reader will be confused, unless you can post something in the original that shows NT Wright to be the contributor.

    I simply disputed based on the link itself!

    Based on that I simply bypassed reading it.

    Whereas, if something in the link would indisputably credit the correct "Wright," readers might not pass it by. As it is now, the post seems contradictory. Dispute that if you like.. but those are the "facts" as presented in the post versus the link!
