Sunday 10 August 2008

Back from Italy

Well, I'm back after a rather full dash through the mountains, lakes, cities and beaches of northern Italy (see here for the intinarary) and can say that I'm glad to be back in the peace of my own home here in Bonn. Driving 2,200 km along mountain lakes, over the Alpine passes, through Renaissance cities and onto an island riddled lagoon gives one a sense of perspective on one's own place of domicile. Oddly enough, I don't envy those who live in the villas or mountain huts we met along the way. Bonn isn't hounded by tourists and mosquitoes, it's clean and well-run and the restaurant prices reflect the quality of the food (which, despite my culinary expectations, is not the case in the majority of the places we ate in Italy). I certainly don't intend to spend the rest of my life here. I haven't lived in the same place for more than three years since I was 11, so being a nomad is almost a requirement for me. But for now, with my church, friends, and responsibilities, I have to say I'm content and deeply grateful for the grace of God in all his provision for us.
The photo is of Ingrid and I on our last night (when it hailed hail stones bigger than marbles!) on the beach at Lido, Venice. The rest will appear on Facebook, for those who are interested.

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