Friday 5 September 2008

Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham

This is cute. I've never had too much contact with Billy Graham (apart from a tract I read when I was 18, which rocked my world, as I wrote here). What impresses me most in the few Youtube clips I have seen is his mixture of firmness and conviction with gentleness and obvious love.Thanks to Steve Thorngate for the link:


  1. Billy was, as Woody comments, the best at what he did. Very interesting interview.

  2. I've never had too much contact with Billy Graham (apart from a tract I read when I was 18, which rocked my world, as I wrote here). What impresses me in the few Youtube clips I've seen is his mixture of firmness and conviction with gentleness and obvious love.

  3. I saw this a while back. What struck me is that Billy said we should keep the 10 Commandments, but if we can't, we should receive Christ. Maybe that's good because it puts the ball in our court and lets us evaluate if we're sinners or not. But many evangelists would prefer a more direct approach: "You are a sinner!"

  4. I with you (and Billy) on that James. I think people need a context in which Jesus makes sense. That context can be provided by a broader view of righteousness and goodness. Perhaps a view of creation as it should be but isn't would provided an even better context for understanding what's gone wrong and what the solution is.
