Tuesday 20 January 2009

How can we bear this?

How can we bear this, in all the connotations of the Biblical word נשא?

I'm attempting to see both sides of the story. Jewish suffering in the modern Middle East, in the form of genocide and expulsion, is also a dimension of the overall picture that needs to be taken into account, as this 40 minute documentary shows.

[HT Laila for the video on Palestinian suffering; HT Point of no Return for the video on Jewish suffering].


  1. Today the Palestinian side of the story is that they are rounding up members of Fatah and killing them on charges of collaboration with Israel during the war. I guess rehabilitation of the civilian population and "governmental" institutions will have to wait till more blood is shed.

    And in the West Bank last night a man was shot while driving his family to visit some friends. He is currently in the hospital fighting for his life. My children go to school with his children and I sat with his sister-in-law last night as she said Psalms for his recovery. So I take this all very personally and right now find any defense of the Palestinians totally offensive.

  2. Hi Hadassah,

    thank you very much for this update. I didn't know that Hamas was continuing the killing of their own people right now, but I'm aware that they commit such "internal" terror (I posted on this in Who is Hamas? Some videos).

    I'm sorry about your friend. I'm actually fasting for this situation today, so I'll pray for him.

    It's also clear that this whole situation cuts closer to you than for me. I certainly don't wish to offend anyone ... Could you let me know what you mean by "this" when you say I take this all very personally. I'm not aware of having defended any form of Palestinian aggression.

  3. I just meant that I take the situation personally, not anything you have said specifically. I am trying to let go of my anger, especially as there have now been reports that the victim of the shooting is out of danger although he may have lost vision in one eye.

    I have been told by a friend who was injured in the knee in the IDF that an injury can change your life and is often easily forgotten by others who remember only the casualties.

    Right now I find it hard to take seriously Hamas' complaints about civilians being killed in the Gaza war. Where is their concern for this family whose lives have been irrevocably changed by a Palestinian gunman?

  4. Well, I appreciate your comments as they open up a dimension of the situation I wouldn't normally have access to.

    an injury can change your life It's hard to imagine when you haven't been through it yourself. This is what impacted me in the video I posted above, the reality of the situation is brought through in a way that statistics and reports can't convey.

    I find it hard to take seriously Hamas' complaints about civilians being killed in the Gaza war.

    I don't think anyone takes Hamas seriously, do they?

  5. Unfortunately too many people do take Hamas seriously...

  6. I had a conversation on the Mount of Olives just last week with a Palestinian man who was very supportive of Hamas. He was very kind and we had a very civil dialogue. However, he believes that Hamas does a wonderful job representing the needs and interests of the Palestinian people. He was quite insistent about it. So I would agree on this with Hadassah that "many people do take Hamas seriously."

  7. I'd love to speak to a Hamas supporter and try to figure out their approach to life.

  8. When Hamas was elected I was told by an Arab taxi driver in Jerusalem that the Palestinians elected Hamas because they were sick of Fatah corruption.
