Saturday 28 March 2009

My sister's a nun

OK, mine isn't, but this blogger's is. Susan Pigot, the author of the blog OT Prophetess has written a delightfully eloquent post on her sister's becoming a nun - of the "full-blown habit-bedecked cloister-enclosed sort" - and what that meant for her initially traumatized family.

Check it out: My Sister the Sister.


  1. I tried to leave a comment on her blog but it said you have to be a member or something along those lines. . . any insights?

  2. Yeah, same here. I was told I had to be a team member. Bob MacDonald and Looney Fundamentalist made the cut!

  3. Yep, you gotta' be a member. I'm sure if you ask her she'll let you in. You could ask Bob himself for info.

  4. You mean you don't have the connection to hook me up, Phil? C'mon, I expected more!

  5. Sorry John, I'm afraid I'm not really in with the biblioblogosphere élite!
