Saturday 21 March 2009

A Trinity bibliography

Nick Norelli of Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth has published a manificent bibliography of journal articles, seminar papers, dissertations/thesis, and books related to the important issue of the Trinity. It really is worth bookmarking, especially as it is in pdf and so is searchable.


  1. Phil: Thanks for the link and also for changing your blog's background to something my eyes can read! I've spent a good amount of time today updating the biblography even further, adding over 20 more dissertations to the list as well as a few articles and a handful of books. Hopefully by the time I post the next update on my blog there will be an additional 10 pages of material.

  2. A number of people complained about the colour so I took the plunge. I found black more aesthetic, but figured out Esteban's format looked good too so I just copied him.

    You're doing a great job and since I've started subscribing to your blog via RSS I've decided that it rocks!
