Saturday 2 May 2009

Free Audio and Video from Westminster Seminary Archives

Justin Taylor of Between the Two Worlds has pointed out that one can now access audio and video resources from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia for free. You need to register first, but it looks as if it may be worth it. Justin lists the following names that may be of interest.

E.J. Young
Cornelius Van Til
John Murray
Edmund Clowney
Sinclair Ferguson
Richard Gaffin
Vern Poythress
Darryl Hart
Willia Edgar
David Powlison

Two names he hasn't mentioned are the renowned Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, who has spoken 14 times there, and a Tim Keller, who is an incredibly gifted preacher (he preached what has been for me one of the best sermon series ever, also available for free download).


  1. You're a Tim Keller fan too? Makes a lot of sense.

    (PS you mis-typed his name in the post)

  2. Hey Glen.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Phil.

  3. Hi Gllen, thanks for the tip. Don't know why I wrote "Dan."

  4. By the way, I'm not necessarily endorsing all of Keller's theological. The only contact I have with him are these sermons and the website of his church. He has an awesome vision and a great talent for deep preaching. In my humble opinion anyway :)

  5. Do you know if any of Peter Enns’ lectures are still up he taught a wonderful class on the wisdom literature?

    Steve in Toronto

  6. 'Fraid not. If I saw him I would have mentioned it. Though I do remember seeing a link once to a talk he gave from Westminster ... Not sure where though. Let me know if you find it!
