Monday 8 June 2009

Powerful readings of R. Alter's Psalms translation on BCC Radio 4.

Ros of Conversational Theology has just posted a link to a most beautiful edition of BBC Radio 4's Poetry Please. The evening is entirely dedicated to the Psalms, read out of both the King James Version Bible and the recent translation by renowned Hebrew scholar Robert Alter. The readings are by experts and, for me at least, open up the Psalms in a new way. Henry Goodman's reading of Psalm 22 was just breathtaking. I highly recommend investing about 30 minutes of your time just to enjoy these recordings and discover the Psalms anew. You better hurry though, you only have another six days to listen to them.


  1. I listened to this Sunday afternoon during its live broadcast. I immediately went to the programme site to see if there was a podcast avaialable, but there were no links yesterday. It's good to see even the iPlayer version available. I heartily agree it is worth 30 minutes ... time well invested to hear the poetry of the Psalms!

  2. Phil,

    Thanks for spotting this. I'll give it a try.
