Friday 31 July 2009

That Bible you're reading ...

I think I can safely say that my summer holidays have finally come to an end. I've been around a fair bit this summer: the North of England to go hiking with a friend, the South to visit my brother's wedding, then off to Italy to visit SBL Rome and finally a two week hike through the former GDR visiting the sites where Luther lived and did his stuff. The highlight of the the whole thing was finally meeting up with John Hobbins in Rome. My favourite location was, oddly, was the concentration camp Buchenwald in Thuringia. Not that Buchenwald competes with Rome in any aesthetic sense (!), but the place simply has more pathos. And I like pathos. I also don't like Baroque architecture.

Anyway, I really need to get on with this doctorate of mine. I'm currently working through Fokkelman's 18 questions to ask a Psalm. If I have anything interesting to say I'll be posting in the near future. Till then, here's an awesome picture of someone famous looking saying something cool (I got this a while back from Douglas of Biblia Hebraica):

Update: This image was created by James McGrath of Exploring our Matrix (amongst other blogs, for which go here).


  1. Have you seen the movie (The Princess Bride)? If you haven't, you're in for a treat.

  2. I have actually, but it was years ago. Perhaps that's why I don't recognize the face.

  3. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. "You killed my father. Prepare to die!"

  4. I'm glad you liked the picture. It was, as several people pointed out, based on The Princess Bride. But when I made it, I probably ought to have tracked down the right scene. As it is, most people probably read it and hear overtones of him saying "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Bible. Prepare to die"... :)
