Tuesday 13 April 2010

Christianity in a word?

Margaret, author of the Biblioblog Magaret's Musings, has posted a fun question which has got (or is it gotten?) some fun answers: " What word would you choose to summarize Christianity?"

Here are some of the answers so far:

My own suggestion was


Pop on over an join in. She promises to share her own thoughts in forthcoming posts.

Update: A non-Christian friend of mine, whose opinion I cherish, shared the follow words off-line:

anti-Judaism / intolerance / persecution / divided / many-tongued / arrogant - etc. etc.

She was worried about these terms being "nasty," but I don't think they are. A true friend is one who doesn't shy from pointing out uncomfortable truths, hopefully for the sake of transformation for the better. Given that what she has said does in fact apply to vast swathes of what has been done in the name of Christ, I'm happy to just let them stand as a legitimate and important contribution to the discussion.

[HT to John Hobbins for pointing out her blog. He has is own post telling us why he loves it in A biblioblogger and she is grand]

Update: Since posting this I've actually taken the time to read the other posts on her blog and they are great! I recommend her post on rabid otters.

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