Wednesday 4 August 2010

Thiselton on the canonical approach

any suggestion to the effect that a 'canonical' approach is harmonizing or ahistorical rests upon a mistaken mythology generated by critics who have never properly engaged with it ("Canon, Community, and Theological Construction," p. 9).
Stark but true.


  1. Hey Philip,
    I just stumbled upon your blog and saw that you are a doctoral student in Germany. I am considering applying to Zurich, and it seems that Zurich, Basel, and Bonn are doing a type of joint program. Are you doing your PhD at Bonn? If so, what are your thoughts?


  2. Hi Andrew,

    I'm afraid I can't be of much use to you here. Not only am I doing a long-distance degree, my field is primarily Old Testament. As far as OT is concerned, the Protestant faculty in Bonn represents one of the last bastions of the classic historical approach to the text (the Catholics take more synchronic, "canonical" approaches into account). In Systematic Theology we have Pangritz, who actually represents the other end of the spectrum as far as the OT is concerned: he's a fan of the Amsterdam School (e.g. Miskotte), who read the OT very synchronically. He's also a Bonhoeffer scholar. As far as systematic theology in German in concerned, Michael Welcker of Heidelberg looks really exciting. Check him out on Wikipedia. Tübingen, of course, is something of a Mekka for theologians. The library facilities are incredible. I'd recommend looking at Heidelberg, but I'm no expert.

  3. Andrew,

    I am doing my degree in Tübingen, though in Old Testament. I would be happy to put you in contact with the relevant people in Tübingen if you would like.


    Nelson Moore
