Friday 3 September 2010

My daughter, Jasmine

This bundle of cuteness is one reason for my lack of posting of late. She arrived a tad early, but the birth was without complications and all in all she's as fit as a fiddle. I do hope to get back to posting, but getting used to my transformed Sitz im Leben will take a while. In addition this, the doctorate is drawing to a close and I have a number of translation jobs (German-English) in the pipeline, which will leave me with less time than usual. However, this blog has been such a blessing that I don't intend to let it die off altogether. For those who are interested, my current thread consists in a treck through Childs' Exodus and Isaiah commentaries with an eye to examples of exegesis which illustrate what I consider to be the building blocks of his canonical approach. For an overview of posts to date, go here.

Oh, and being a father rocks. Though I'm still struggling with its ontological implications, I can say with certainty that it constitutes the next big boundary crossing moment after these two.


  1. Congrats, Phil!

  2. Of course parenthood is tough, but it's the most rewarding and wonderful kind of tough there is! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

    Congrats to you and your wife!

  3. Wow, congrats Phil!

  4. Congratulations Phil. Wonderful news.

  5. Congratulations, Phil. Sleepless nights, changing dippers, and Brevard Childs...How do you mix these together? I am still trying to figure that out.



  6. They're not mixing too well right now, but it's only been two weeks. I'm hoping things will get easier in time, at least as soon as my wife recovers from ordeal!

    For the record, I haven't worked on Childs for almost two years now. I'm currently trying to apply his approach to Psalm 24. I hope to post an abstract I'm working on soon.

  7. Hearty congratulations! Being a parent is very demanding, but intensely rewarding. Please don't let the blog die. I may have been a lurker rather than commenting, but I've greatly valued watching you read Childs. God bless!

  8. Thank you Tim, I'm doing my best.
