Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Ten Important Archaeological Discoveries in 2008 Related to the Bible

The following is simply copied and pasted from Dr. Claude Mariottin's post of the same name. Given my general lack of knowlege of developments in the archaeological world, I really appreciate this helpful summary, along with links.

Ten Important Archaeological Discoveries in 2008 Related to the Bible
Several announcements were in 2008 about important archaeological discoveries that are directly or indirectly related to the Bible. It would be impossible to name all of them. What follows are ten archaeological discoveries announced in 2008 that are related to the Bible. They are not listed in order of discovery nor in order of importance to biblical studies. Rather, they are listed according to the dates of my posts describing each discovery.

Other archaeological discoveries that are also related to biblical studies:

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary
P.S. Our professor has also posted a very helpful typology of archaeologists, depending on their degree of minimalism or maximilism.

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